Bearicade Bin
2)Home Maintenance & Improvements
Bearicade Bin, founded in 2019, locally fabricates and installs Bear Proof Trash Can Enclosures in the High Country and beyond. Our rugged all steel enclosures keep your trash (and the bears safe), while our user-friendly design makes taking the trash out a breeze. We offer a variety of models, sizes, colors and decorative door designs (e.g., bears, trees, deer, sasquatch, and more) to suit any style and budget. We coordinate installation locations, 811 digging requests, and our local team of installers ensures your bin is leveled and cemented securely into the ground. Made in the High Country and Made to Last! At Bearicade, we believe that your trash not only needs to be safe, but it can look good too! Shipping available in the continental U.S. Learn more online at, https://www.bearicadebin.com/.